Kegel Exercise

What Are Kegel Exercises?

Kegel exercises are simple exercises that you can do to strengthen your perineal muscles. These are the muscles in the area around the vagina and urinary opening that help to support the uterus (womb), bladder, and rectum.

Why Are These Exercises Important?

The perineal muscles can become weakened by:

When the perineal muscles are weakened, you may notice any of the following problems:

How To Do Kegel Exercises

You can find the perineal muscle by trying to stop and restart the flow of urination. If you can do this, you can control and strengthen your perineal muscle.

Exercise 1 Tighten the muscle, hold it tight for two to three seconds, then relax.

Exercise 2 Tighten the muscle and release five times as quickly as you can.

Try to do each exercise 100 times each day.

Kegel exercises can be done anywhere at any time. Nobody can see you doing the exercises. You can exercise while watching TV, driving a car, doing housework, lying in bed, or while you're at work.

Developing a routine helps you to become more consistent, e.g., do the exercises during every stop light, during commercials on TV, after using the bathroom, etc.

While these exercises may seem difficult or tiring at first, with practice, the muscles will get stronger.

good pelvic worse pelvic
Good pelvic floor support with a firm base, organs in place Inadequate support and the hammock sags, contents descend